The Three man lift


Active member
The Rocky Mountain Rangers have a tradition for indoctrinating new officers. During our annual dinner commemorating Kiska, they are invited into the JR mess. There they are challenged to preform a three man lift by on of the members of the mess. If either can't, they buy a round.

Before the lift itself occurs, somebody gives a speech about the importance of the lift as it demonstrates the power of the Ram and us and mountain soldiers. This done the officer is instructed to lay down and link up with two soldiers. THey all link up and lay flat on the ground. The soldier about to lift them will usually be holding some beers by then, and will make a first attempt. This will fail, and he'll say he's not drunk enough, and get a couple more beers. After this, he'll heave up on the officer by the belt, pour his beers down the young gentleman's pants, and buy the mess a round!

All and all it's good fun.
not if you dont tell anyone ;), but he just posted it on a forum with nearly 3000 people and many guests so i guess the cats out of the bag
Yeah now that you mention it, we were abusing the alcohol a bit....From now on I'll show it all due respect and treat it fairly.