The Soviet executioner of the Luftwaffe
I have read that he Soviet Air Force of WWII was primarily a close air support organization and equipped to fight at low altitude. That's why their aircraft were designed first and foremost for maneuverability.
I wonder if they had oxygen equipment and what kind? At the beginning of the war, combat at high altitude was still a new, and largely unexplored field. Germany had the most advanced oxygen system and many of it's features were copied by the British and Americans.
High altitude flying was critical for the British and Americans so that their bombers could fly above weather, take advantage of high altitude winds and be relatively safe from anti-aircraft fire. For the same reason German fighters had to be able to operate in the thin, cold air above 20,000 feet.
However, Soviet aircraft weren't engaged in long range, strategic bombing, so would not have the same need, although their fighters would have been useless against German bombers without oxygen breathing equipment.
British and American Lend Lease aircraft were equipped with both oxygen apparatus and radios, something novel for the Soviets.
British and American oxygen equipment was different and not compatible.
I wonder what type of oxygen equipment, if any was used by the Soviet Air Force?