The Military according to the French Armor-Cavalry


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The French Armor-Cavalry has strong traditions and is very opinionated when it comes to the other branches and services.... Here it comes

First quote to comment on;

To succeed, you have to stand out, be the one of a kind among others:

If you have a prestigious name, join the infantry, you'll be alone!
If you are smart, join the Armor-Cavalry, you'll be alone!
If you are well behaved, join the Artillery, you'll be alone!
If you have a good hygien, join the Engineers, you'll be alone!
If you love women, join the naval infantry, you'll be alone!
If you are modest, join the Air Force, you'll be alone!
If you know your numbers, join Procurement, you'll be alone!
If you are a Republican , join the Navy, you'll be alone!
Here it goes! :lol:
Don't take it personally... :rambo:
These are French beliefs held in the does not mean they are always right....sure, the branch has been around since the beginning of know...they can be wrong! :lol:

second quote (self derision):

Armor and Cavalry personnel are often lost...but always together!
:lol: I've heard some stories along that line from one of my buddies who's with a Cav Scout unit. One exercise a Scout Humvee got lost and ended up stuck in the middle of a river one night, the occupants climbed through the windows and took refuge on the roof, where they were found by another unit. When their CO found out what their predicament was, he said that if they were dumb enough to get in that situation, they were dumb enough to stay there, and left them on the roof of their Humvee until morning.
The Scout Humvees that I have used have been equipped with a winch. No need for the CO to ever find out unless he was in the vehicle. Then I could see them leaving him there. ;) No CO that I ever had would leave his men stranded.
new quote:

in the infantry they smile 3 times:
when they are told the joke
when it is explained to them
when they understand it
In the Armor-Cav, twice:
when they are told the joke
when it is explained to them
they never understand
In the Artillery, once:
when they are told the joke
they know it already, lough loudly, tell their own version and switch to sex jokes
the Engineers, once:
when they are told the joke
don't bother trying to explain or hoping they would understand
new quote:

Armor- cav: listen, don't hear, have you repeat, don't understand, jump in the tank and drive in the fog
Artillery; don't listen, execute badly, don't report....and fire...upon orders
Engineer; pretend to listen, have you repeat, smile. You believe they got it. No, they found an objection
Transportation: whatever is said, they don't react
Pilots: don't care, don't listen but understand, excuse themselves, say the plane is not ready, go for a drink
Naval infantry: make do
levnbush said:
The Scout Humvees that I have used have been equipped with a winch. No need for the CO to ever find out unless he was in the vehicle. Then I could see them leaving him there. ;) No CO that I ever had would leave his men stranded.

Life's more fun when you're gullible, bush. :lol:
As a former Armor-cav, we do believe the old saying that, I quote:

In the infantry, the unique purpose of the head is to carry the helmet!

:lol: :lol: :lol: