Here's some more info on the Arjun MBT to read and decide for future matches :
Comparisons between some MBTs :m16shoot: :biggun:
Arjun mk.1
Length: 10.19 m / --- m (overall, gun forward and hull length)
Width: 3.86 m
Height: 2.32 m
Clearance:0.45 m
Weight: 58.5 ton
Engine: 1400 hp
ptw: 23.9 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.84 kg/cm2
Length: 9.53 m / 6.86 m
Width: 3.78 m
Height: 2.23 m
Clearance: 0.45 m
Weight: 46.5 ton
Engine: 1000 hp
ptw: 21.5 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.87 kg/cm2
Length: 9.53 m / 6.89m
Width: 3.59 m
Height: 2.23 m
Clearance: 0.46 m
Weight: 41.5 ton
Engine: 780 hp
ptw: 18.8 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.83 kg/cm2
Length: 9.66 m / 7.01 m
Width: 3.60 m
Height: 2.20 m
Clearance: 0.45 m
Weight: 46.0 ton
Engine: 1250 hp
ptw: 27.2 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.87 kg/cm2
Merkava IV
Length: 9.04 m / 8.78 m
Width: 3.72 m
Height: 2.66 m
Clearance: 0.46 m
Weight: 65 ton
Engine: 1500 hp
ptw: 23.1 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.90 kg/cm2
Leopard IIA6
Length: 11.29 m / 7.72 m
Width: 3.74 m
Height: 2.79 m
Clearance: 0.49 (rear) - 0.54 (front) m
Weight: 62.5 ton
Engine: 1500 hp
ptw: 24.0 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.93 kg/cm2
Length: 9.87 m / 6.88 m
Width: 3.71 m
Height: 2.53 m
Clearance: 0.5 m
Weight: 54.5 ton
Engine: 1500 hp
ptw: 27.5 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.90 kg/cm2
Challenger II
Length: 11.55 m / 8.33 m
Width: 3.52 m
Height: 2.50 m
Clearance: 0.5 m
Weight: 62.5 ton
Engine: 1200 hp
ptw: 19.2 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.90 kg/cm2
Comparisons between some MBTs :m16shoot: :biggun:
Arjun mk.1
Length: 10.19 m / --- m (overall, gun forward and hull length)
Width: 3.86 m
Height: 2.32 m
Clearance:0.45 m
Weight: 58.5 ton
Engine: 1400 hp
ptw: 23.9 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.84 kg/cm2
Length: 9.53 m / 6.86 m
Width: 3.78 m
Height: 2.23 m
Clearance: 0.45 m
Weight: 46.5 ton
Engine: 1000 hp
ptw: 21.5 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.87 kg/cm2
Length: 9.53 m / 6.89m
Width: 3.59 m
Height: 2.23 m
Clearance: 0.46 m
Weight: 41.5 ton
Engine: 780 hp
ptw: 18.8 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.83 kg/cm2
Length: 9.66 m / 7.01 m
Width: 3.60 m
Height: 2.20 m
Clearance: 0.45 m
Weight: 46.0 ton
Engine: 1250 hp
ptw: 27.2 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.87 kg/cm2
Merkava IV
Length: 9.04 m / 8.78 m
Width: 3.72 m
Height: 2.66 m
Clearance: 0.46 m
Weight: 65 ton
Engine: 1500 hp
ptw: 23.1 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.90 kg/cm2
Leopard IIA6
Length: 11.29 m / 7.72 m
Width: 3.74 m
Height: 2.79 m
Clearance: 0.49 (rear) - 0.54 (front) m
Weight: 62.5 ton
Engine: 1500 hp
ptw: 24.0 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.93 kg/cm2
Length: 9.87 m / 6.88 m
Width: 3.71 m
Height: 2.53 m
Clearance: 0.5 m
Weight: 54.5 ton
Engine: 1500 hp
ptw: 27.5 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.90 kg/cm2
Challenger II
Length: 11.55 m / 8.33 m
Width: 3.52 m
Height: 2.50 m
Clearance: 0.5 m
Weight: 62.5 ton
Engine: 1200 hp
ptw: 19.2 hp/t
ground pressure: 0.90 kg/cm2