
rotc boy

Active member
hey, is any1 here from texas? i am moving there in a week and would like to talk to some kids there.
I'm a hell bent, one hundred percent Texan till I die!

Where you movin to? I live in a farming community about 15 miles south of San Antonio, its called La Vernia.

i just moved 2 round rock (near austin) bout 2 weeks ago. damn, football is huge down here. my g/f said that if i dont come 2 the game all my friends will hunt me down. she didnt have 2 threaten me, jeez. up north there r so many gun laws that the school cant have a rifle team. here they have u sign a piece of paper and u can do marksmanship training. its great :lol:
it got down to the 50's today and everyone was wearing pants and a sweatshirt, then made fun of me because i was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt and i was from massachusetts so they made some jokes about gay marriage. i would like to stress to the rest of the people here that NOT everyone in massachusetts is gay.