Symbolism associated with 9 / 11


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There is plenty of symbolism associated with 9 / 11 but is it a coincidence that it was that date? or has this day a symbolic meaning for Islam?
There is plenty of symbolism associated with 9 / 11 but is it a coincidence that it was that date? or has this day a symbolic meaning for Islam?
9-1-1 (often pronounced 9-11)is the phone number we dial in the US when we have an emergency. So they evidently have a sence of humor & decided that was a good day to create an emergency.
Did the terrorists of al-Qaida know the significance of the date they picked to launch their war against the West?
There has been a great deal of speculation about this, but yes I think that they did.

It was on September 11,1683 that the conquering armies of Islam were met,held, and thrown back at the gates of Vienna. Now this, of course, is not a date that has only obscure or sectarian significance. In July 1683 the Grand Vizier Kara Mustapha led his Turkish troops to Vienna and laid siege against the city. On September 11,1683 a decisive battle was fought before the city walls. After an initial setback, Poland's great military leader, and later king, John Sobieski, with his forces stormed the enemy camp and routed its army. It can rightly, if tritely, be called a hinge-event in human history. The Ottoman Empire never recovered from the defeat; from then on it was more likely that Christian or western powers would dominate the Muslim world than the other way around... in the Islamic world, and especially among the extremists, it is remembered as a humiliation in itself and a prelude to later ones. But the peril remained, Islam was still immensely powerful within a few marches of Austria and it was not until the great victory of Prince Eugene at Battle of Zenta on September 11,1697 and the capture of Belgrade that the tide for the Ottomans really turned.

There may be operational reasons why this date was chosen by al-Qaida, but I'm sure that it was chosen because of its importance of the Battle of Vienna.
Thanks See for a good explanation.
As you say, it sounds like the right reason.
According to this article, the attacks were supposed to happen in the summer, but because the ground team wasn't ready, the attacks were postponed until September.

I also read from *somewhere* that the actual date was supposed to be a few days earlier (like around the 7th), but that a delay/cancellation of one of the targeted flights caused Mohammad Atta to postpone the attck to the 11th.
Okay, it overturns the theory slightly.
So maybe the date is random anyway!
I reckon that if you hope to become a symbol for the faith, you choose a symbolic date. Trust extremists to find some obscure thing and make it into an icon of their faith... So I think there is a pretty big chance that 9/11 was to coincide with a symbolic date and that might be Seehund's explanation.