You're probably heard for Sun Tzu's book "The Art Of War". In one sentence, it is Chinese military treatise written by Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC.
If you like this kind of stuff, here is a large collection of Sun Tzu quotes.
And some of them are:
That the im*pact of your army may be like a grind*stone dashed against an egg — this is ef*fect*ed by the sci*ence of weak points and strong.
He who ex*er*cis*es no fore*thought but makes light of his op*po*nents is sure to be cap*tured by them.
Ma*noeu*vring with an army is ad*van*ta*geous; with an undis*ci*plined mul*ti*tude, most dan*ger*ous.
Suc*cess in war*fare is gained by care*ful*ly ac*com*mo*dat*ing our*selves to the enemy’s purpose.
The good fight*er is able to se*cure him*self against de*feat, but can*not make cer*tain of de*feat*ing the enemy.
Spies are a most im*por*tant el*e*ment in war, be*cause on them de*pends an army’s abil*i*ty to move.
When you sur*round an army, leave an out*let free. Do not press a des*per*ate foe too hard.*
If the enemy is tak*ing his ease, [the clever com*bat*ant] can ha*rass him; if well sup*plied with food, he can starve him out; if qui*et*ly en*camped, he can force him to move.
*I believe this can be used in every aspect of life
If you like this kind of stuff, here is a large collection of Sun Tzu quotes.
And some of them are:
That the im*pact of your army may be like a grind*stone dashed against an egg — this is ef*fect*ed by the sci*ence of weak points and strong.
He who ex*er*cis*es no fore*thought but makes light of his op*po*nents is sure to be cap*tured by them.
Ma*noeu*vring with an army is ad*van*ta*geous; with an undis*ci*plined mul*ti*tude, most dan*ger*ous.
Suc*cess in war*fare is gained by care*ful*ly ac*com*mo*dat*ing our*selves to the enemy’s purpose.
The good fight*er is able to se*cure him*self against de*feat, but can*not make cer*tain of de*feat*ing the enemy.
Spies are a most im*por*tant el*e*ment in war, be*cause on them de*pends an army’s abil*i*ty to move.
When you sur*round an army, leave an out*let free. Do not press a des*per*ate foe too hard.*
If the enemy is tak*ing his ease, [the clever com*bat*ant] can ha*rass him; if well sup*plied with food, he can starve him out; if qui*et*ly en*camped, he can force him to move.
*I believe this can be used in every aspect of life