Sign seen outside many businesses:
No dog's allowed, except for seeing eye dogs.
Nice sign, it's informative and clear, but who is it for?
Drive in ATMs
Ever use a drive in ATM? Ever see the brail writing on the buttons?
It's great that they consider the seeing impaired, but who did they have in mind when
they designed this?
Sign seen at the entrance to a militia survivalist encampment:
No Trespassing - Trespasser's will be shot - survivors prosecuted.
Message seen on tee shirt worn by bomb squad member:
I am a bomb defusion expert. If you see me running, try to keep up.
How about the signs you see in some businesses that say:
Thank you for not smoking.
How do they know that you are not smoking when you read the sign?
How about the plain No Smoking signs you see everywhere?
Some people who ignore these signs think that the signs are only for those people
who set themselves on fire.
Signs approaching exits on interstate highways.
Some list gas phone food lodging next right. This type makes sense.
But what about the one's that list hospital parking next right?
Does this mean that if you are driving a hospital that you can park it off the next
exit somewhere?
What about the one's that say Deer Crossing Area?
How do they train the deer to cross only in designated areas?
I think they lie. Ever see a deer in one of these areas when you are driving through?
Then there are all these signs that say Falling Rock.
I see them everywhere and that must be a really popular town - Have you ever been to
Falling Rock?
How about the one's that say Scales Ahead - Trucks Over 6,000 Pounds Must Weigh.
I think they ran out of room on the sign. Trucks Over 6,000 Pounds Must Weigh what? Alot?
What about Low Water Crossing.
The water never crosses the road when it's low. Don't they mean High?
Or how about the ones on the delivery vehicles that say:
How's my driving? 1-800-555-1234
I called that once when a maniac pizza delivery guy made my life flash before my eyes.
I reached Dial a Prayer. (comforting, yeah real comforting)
Then there are the ones on vehicles that say:
If you can read this thank your teacher. What do you do if you can't read it? Seems to
me that this is who the sign is for. They might as well put a sign on their cars saying
to kill all the illiterates.
Then I once saw a sign at a truck stop that said. Eat here Get gas. Don't these people
proof read their signs before they put them up?
And what about the one on the right side mirror on your car that says:
Caution - Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Is this their way of telling
us that they made a few million defective mirrors? If they think this will keep my lawyer
from calling them, then they should rethink the fix to the problem. It must have been
extremely comforting to those people in Jurasic park when they saw the T-Rex that was
chasing them reflected in that mirror.
How about the warning signs they put on the charcoal filled packs that are put into
some food products that say Do Not Eat for the purpose of keeping moisture to a minimum?
I'm really sure these little signs have saved my life countless times.
Or how about the signs that say: "Dont even think about parking here,"
Wonder how many times this law gets violated and the law never knows it.
Sign at a petting zoo: Beware - Goats like to nibble on your clothes and butt.
Sign outside a veterinary hospital: Spay or neuter your best friend.
Sign at a portrait studio just before Father's day: Have the kids shot for dad, $24.95.
So what's your sign?
No dog's allowed, except for seeing eye dogs.
Nice sign, it's informative and clear, but who is it for?
Drive in ATMs
Ever use a drive in ATM? Ever see the brail writing on the buttons?
It's great that they consider the seeing impaired, but who did they have in mind when
they designed this?
Sign seen at the entrance to a militia survivalist encampment:
No Trespassing - Trespasser's will be shot - survivors prosecuted.
Message seen on tee shirt worn by bomb squad member:
I am a bomb defusion expert. If you see me running, try to keep up.
How about the signs you see in some businesses that say:
Thank you for not smoking.
How do they know that you are not smoking when you read the sign?
How about the plain No Smoking signs you see everywhere?
Some people who ignore these signs think that the signs are only for those people
who set themselves on fire.
Signs approaching exits on interstate highways.
Some list gas phone food lodging next right. This type makes sense.
But what about the one's that list hospital parking next right?
Does this mean that if you are driving a hospital that you can park it off the next
exit somewhere?
What about the one's that say Deer Crossing Area?
How do they train the deer to cross only in designated areas?
I think they lie. Ever see a deer in one of these areas when you are driving through?
Then there are all these signs that say Falling Rock.
I see them everywhere and that must be a really popular town - Have you ever been to
Falling Rock?
How about the one's that say Scales Ahead - Trucks Over 6,000 Pounds Must Weigh.
I think they ran out of room on the sign. Trucks Over 6,000 Pounds Must Weigh what? Alot?
What about Low Water Crossing.
The water never crosses the road when it's low. Don't they mean High?
Or how about the ones on the delivery vehicles that say:
How's my driving? 1-800-555-1234
I called that once when a maniac pizza delivery guy made my life flash before my eyes.
I reached Dial a Prayer. (comforting, yeah real comforting)
Then there are the ones on vehicles that say:
If you can read this thank your teacher. What do you do if you can't read it? Seems to
me that this is who the sign is for. They might as well put a sign on their cars saying
to kill all the illiterates.
Then I once saw a sign at a truck stop that said. Eat here Get gas. Don't these people
proof read their signs before they put them up?
And what about the one on the right side mirror on your car that says:
Caution - Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Is this their way of telling
us that they made a few million defective mirrors? If they think this will keep my lawyer
from calling them, then they should rethink the fix to the problem. It must have been
extremely comforting to those people in Jurasic park when they saw the T-Rex that was
chasing them reflected in that mirror.
How about the warning signs they put on the charcoal filled packs that are put into
some food products that say Do Not Eat for the purpose of keeping moisture to a minimum?
I'm really sure these little signs have saved my life countless times.
Or how about the signs that say: "Dont even think about parking here,"
Wonder how many times this law gets violated and the law never knows it.
Sign at a petting zoo: Beware - Goats like to nibble on your clothes and butt.
Sign outside a veterinary hospital: Spay or neuter your best friend.
Sign at a portrait studio just before Father's day: Have the kids shot for dad, $24.95.
So what's your sign?