Semper I, this one's all about me.

Cpl S

Active member
Ok, Apparently I am supposed to introduce myself.

Corporal USMC
Full name is Charles P Speitel IV
I am currently at the US Embassy, Sarajevo Bosnia
on Marine Security Guard Duty.
I've been in for 2 years and 1 month.
I have a love/hate relationship with the Corps, but hey I am sure that
most civilian jobs are the same way. This duty is great, living is good,
Libo is good. Hours are bad. Any questions let me know, I am here for
anyone who wants to know about the Corps and MSG.

Ooh-rah, kill, Semper Fi and all that motto stuff!

nulli secundus said:
Welcome, is being a MSG kinda like being a MP?

You could say that, the gear is similar. Your mission however is different. The training is similar but a little more intense with longer hours. You are like an MP with a T/S clearance, that is what gets most people kicked out, they can't pass the backround check. We control access to the Classified section of the Embassy. Our primary mission is to protect "classified material" and Protect lives and property. There are alot of other things that go along with it though. Imagine living with your boss. My direct chain of command, I have a SSgt living in the house with me. So I could get an ass chewing for leaving a dirty fork in the sink. You have to be on the top of your game you know. We have additional duties besides out Embassy job. I am in charge of maintaining the vehicles and performing checks on them. (we are not aloud to drive our selves) I am also responsible for buying all the groceries and paying the hired help (maid/cook). I have to maintain the paper work for all of this. It takes up alot of my free time. Anyway you get the idea.
Sounds pretty interesting, how are you liking Bosnia? We have a few other members who have served there, and I believe another who is currently serving there but don't hold me to that.
Welcome to the forum.
Right!, Well Bosnia is alright what can I say, when ever I think "gee I am in a war torn 3rd world country (the second poorest country in Europe)" I think well for one thing that makes me rich here. And the fact that I make alot more money here than in the states. But hey it is an experience. Most Americans have no idea about the culture here it is very unique because there is a large Islamic population here with mostly European values, it makes it quite unique.
Very cool Cpl S...I for one appreciate evrything your doing over there. Didn't have the pleasure of getting to Bosnia...I got out before that happened. Welcome to the forum and enjoy yourself.
Ciao Cpl S, I'm sure you ve been to Italy on your way to Bosnia.
Hope to read more of your posts. until then, welcome to the forum. PS, cool avatar, dude.