Lil Hulk 1988
Active member
Since I have started posting, thought it would be a good idea to put together some info for all of you. Twelve years of service under my belt, mostly reserve time now. Started in the Corps, held a few MOS's, mostly infantry types and then a move into logistics when I left active. Moved from Detroit to Wisconsin and decided that I should serve my state and transferred from the Reserve to the Army NG. I left the military during the Clinton Era since I became very frustrated with being part of a Mech Inf unit that played on sand tables more often than the field plus my career started to have way too much travel to maintain a rank in the reserves or guard. Now just a crodegy old Marine remembering lost friends during the Corps Birthday and bringing up the next generation (37 and a newborn, first, this will be harder than recon screening)
Semper Fi....
Semper Fi....