Russian region begins recovery from meteor fall

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A small army of workers set to work Saturday to replace acres of windows shattered by the enormous explosion from a meteor, while other residents contemplated the astonishing event with pride and humor.

Residents contemplated the astonishing event with pride and humour? They are proud and think its hilarious they nearly got blown up? lol Oh blimey, they must lead a boring life.:roll:
Residents contemplated the astonishing event with pride and humour? They are proud and think its hilarious they nearly got blown up? lol Oh blimey, they must lead a boring life.:roll:

You must understand that Chelyabinsk is a provincial backwater. Nothing exciting ever happens there, EVER.

On the other side, this could have been MUCH worse, because there is a major nuclear research and production facility in the area, the Mayak

The authorities there already admitted it was by sheer luck there was no damage to Mayak, otherwise, we'd be looking at another Fukushima right now. In fact, they already had one there, back in the 1950s:

Not as talked about as Chernobyl, but, it did happen. Scary...