RIP Again!


Active member
Another fishie has gone to fishie heaven :( hmm i wonder why they are dropping like flies...........only two left now

Actually i did own a hedgehog once, his name was Sonic :P, maybe something is wronge with the water cause that's two fish in a month...

Yep faucet water's just so chloric and hard for them to survive. You'd need an aquarium with oxygen pump and depurator. Only way I think.
Thing is we've had them two years this August so it has to be something that happened recently? they were pretty big too, maybe lack of oxygen in the water or old age who knows :)

nulli secundus said:
Buy more fish. and change the water.

Well wouldn't more fishes mean less oxygen Nulli Secundus ? Hey Gunner Sweetie you sure they don't die when they are already old for their breed ? I mean how longer are they supposed to live ?
nulli secundus said:
Buy more fish. and change the water.

We keep the tank clean all the time thanks.

Maybe they were just old or the water temp may have changed but it's no big deal we'll get different ones next time.

A SM(senior member) at my squadron had some fish and they accidently commited suicide. The water started to boil and they jumped out. I didnt mean buy more fish as in having more then you had before that one died but as in get some more fish.
I got a goldfish I really really don't want, had him for the last 9 years (!). I'm just waiting for it to die so I can get rid of the tank, all his buddies died over the years. I'm thinking of posioning the water or something... (;))
When you add water do you add solutions to it? Sometimes people forget to add the solution to dilute the chlorine in tap water, and that could have caused the fish to die xspecially if they were asick or old anyway.
Sooners1 said:
When you add water do you add solutions to it? Sometimes people forget to add the solution to dilute the chlorine in tap water, and that could have caused the fish to die xspecially if they were asick or old anyway.

I thought UK had it ' tap ' and US had it ' faucet '. Isnt that it ?
CrazyCadet142 said:
No, US has Well or City water. or sink water. faucet? no hun, thats what the water comes out of.

I see. Well I asked because sooners1 wrote:

" Sometimes people forget to add the solution to dilute the chlorine in tap water "

But I think I aint gonna lose sleep over it.
ItalianGuy4US said:
CrazyCadet142 said:
No, US has Well or City water. or sink water. faucet? no hun, thats what the water comes out of.

I see. Well I asked because sooners1 wrote:

" Sometimes people forget to add the solution to dilute the chlorine in tap water "

But I think I aint gonna lose sleep over it.

Ha, yeah I know. I was being sarcastic, or shall I say, being me! Lol. Don't usually take me seriously when I say stupid stuff, any questions PM me. Yes, one thing about the US, our accents are so different in different places, it's like a new language. I talk to people in New Jersey and It's almost impossible because I can't understand them.
GUNNER said:
Thing is we've had them two years this August so it has to be something that happened recently? they were pretty big too, maybe lack of oxygen in the water or old age who knows :)


I know diddly skizwat about fish but I do know that things die when they get old ;)