Reserves after high school?


New Member
I'll be a senior in high school next year and I want to college, and join the reserves. Please understand that I don't want to join the reserves for the benefits, I could care less about the benefits. I want to join to be a marine, to become more of a man, and if I'm called on to do so, be deployed. I know be a reservist isn't the same as a marine to active marines, but I want to go to college and join. I've heard stories of men who join just for the benefits and act like little girls about it. Understand that is not me. I want advice on how that would work. Would boot camp fit into the schedule for me to enroll for the fall semester next year? What kind of schedule does a reservist have? Do I have to pick my college based on my status of being a reservist?
First: United States Marine Corps go choke yourself.

The USMC used to have a program that allowed for a recruit to conduct Recruit Training one summer (78 day Reservist Program AKA Split Option) and then MOS training the next summer. Ask a Recruiter if this is still available.
First: United States Marine Corps go choke yourself.

This made me laugh!

But, as to your original post, I'm in the same position - although I'm a Brit living in Canada, I've just graduated (the ceremony is on the 23rd, but regardless...) and the military is an option that I've considered.

I've decided to work for a year, and then make a decision as to what I'm going to do.

As a non-serviceman, I can only give you advice that other servicemen have given me.

That is: Be absolutely sure that this is what you want to do before you do it. Give 110% effort at everything you do at Basic. There is a very long list... Also, DO NOT PISS OFF YOUR INSTRUCTORS!

Good luck.
I'll be a senior in high school next year and I want to college, and join the reserves. Please understand that I don't want to join the reserves for the benefits, I could care less about the benefits. I want to join to be a marine, to become more of a man, and if I'm called on to do so, be deployed. I know be a reservist isn't the same as a marine to active marines, but I want to go to college and join. I've heard stories of men who join just for the benefits and act like little girls about it. Understand that is not me. I want advice on how that would work. Would boot camp fit into the schedule for me to enroll for the fall semester next year? What kind of schedule does a reservist have? Do I have to pick my college based on my status of being a reservist?

I joined the Army Reserves while I was in High School, and many people in my unit go to college while in the reserves and they love it. I chose to do my basic and AIT straight through. However if you want to do the split off option, it's riskier because if you get recycled for any reason, then you'll miss that college semester. Not to mention the fact that you'll have to maintain your PT or you'll have a rough time while in AIT the next summer.