Radio Discipline!


Forum Health Inspector
IN A HOLDING PATTERN at the busy Corpus Christi, Texas, Naval Air Station, a student pilot attempted to speak to his instructor in the back seat via the aircraft's intercom. Instead, he accidentally keyed the radio. "Sorry, sir," said the student after yet another poor landing attempt. "I guess I'm just all screwed up today."

Irate at this obvious lack of radio discipline, an instructor in another aircraft demanded, "Who just said that?" Knowing that identifying himself would lead to a tongue-lashing when he landed, the student kept silent. The angry instructor persisted, "Aircraft who said they were 'screwed up' identify yourself!" Again there was silence. Finally, after another attempt to ferret out the culprit, an instructor in a third plane keyed the radio: "Hey, the kid said he was screwed up, not stupid."

--Contributed to "Humor In Uniform" by Ens. James P. Reynolds

Provided Courtesy of Reader's Digest.