You need to speed up your metabolism safely. The best way to do it is to do two workouts per day.
Your morning workout should be done early in the morning and consist of 20 to 60 minutes of CARDIO ONLY. Please, no weight training or rubberbands. Just plain cardio. Powerwalking, running, bike, aerobics, whatever. Make sure you have a glass of water immediately after waking up and never eat before your morning work out.
Eat no more than 1 hour after your morning work out. You can have complex carbs for breakfast (oatmeal), fruit, and a whey protein shake. This should keep you going.
Also remember to eat a midmorning snack and an early afternoon snack. The snacks should consist of health things like A handful of almonds, fruit, string cheese, or veggies. No dips, no chips, no fried stuff whatsoever. Eating 5 times a day gets your body used to being fed, therefore, it gets into a fat-burning rhythm, thus enhancing your metabolism. A lot of people think that if they only eat once a day or starve themselves, they lose weight faster. ACtually, your body does the opposite. Since it is not being fed regularly, it goes into "starvation mode" and starts hanging on to the little food you give it and it can get real stubborn about letting go.
Eat the equivalent of no more than 2 pieces of low carb bread for lunch, but no more starchy carbs after 3pm. Your carbs for dinner should come from fresh veggies.
Heres another tip: Veggies like raw carrots, raw broccoli, raw celery are considered catabolic. That means that your body expends more calories in digesting them than the calories they actually contain. So if you eat a lot of these, it will help boost your metabolism.
Finally, for your PM workout, do cardio+resistance for about 1 hour. 20 to 30 min of cardio followed by another 20 to 30 min of weight training should do the trick. Work on different parts of your body on different days (ie: mondays: shoulders, biceps, triceps, tuesdays: chest, wednesdays: back, thursdays: legs, fridays: abs)
You will lose the first 10 kg (20 or so lbs) the fastest. You will start plateauing at around the last 10 to 15 lbs. The important thing is to keep constant and continue your good eating habits and exercise. Also, continue these eating habits on a long-term basis, as good solid long-term weightloss is supported by an overall healthy lifestyle and no crash diets will ever work.