Parents sue game firm in China after son's suicide

As seriously as these kids take their video games here this story comes as no surprise... nor the victim mentallity of the parents who SHOULD HAVE BEEN PARENTING RATHER THAN LETTING THE KID PLAY GD GAMES.
Blaming video games and their makers is BS, in my opinion. If I had children, as a parent I am going to be informed as to what games/movies/magazines, etc that are out there. My children won't see, hear or play them without them first having passed MY approval. I don't need a rating on a game box, rated "Everyone" or "17+" I'm going to check them out equally.

I don't really believe in letting kids play video games as they should be outdoors or doing something a little more constructive, but there are a few out there that offer positive intellectual and motor stimulation. But again, as a parent it would be MY responsibility to monitor my child and what he plays.

Another common theme with other threads, "personal responsibility and accountability." I see it isn't just a US issue.

What I want to know is why was this kid spending 36 hours playing the game to begin with? What were the parents doing during those hours? You can't be parents "after the fact."
Why is it that all of the Asian kids kill themselves after playing video games or they just simply stop being functioning members of society.

It's the parents' fualt for not taking the proper action in their kid's life. If I caught my own kid playing a video game for 8 hours, I'd unplug the console and put it in the attict.