Pakistan agrees Sharia law deal


Active member
Not too sure whether to post this under political or terrorist, as I feel that this has a significant impact on the GWOT, I felt that here was best.

So what do you think? Is the thin end of the wedge?

1. Is Pakistan gradually acceding to the Taleban and their demands and does it risk losing the whole country to the Taleban, bit by bit?
2. Is this a sensible move, aimed at marginalising the extremists, buying tha Pakistan govt time to stabilise itself?

According to the article the deal has been struck with Sufi Mohammad, who has been leading a non violent campaign for the installation of Sharia, for quite a while, but that the Taleban haven't fully signed up for the deal. Is it significant that he is also the father in law of Maulana Fazlullah, supposed to be the Taleban leader in that region? I also heard to day that the deal will not be ratified by the govt until all acts of violence stop.

I think that it is a smart move by the Pakistan govt, it buys them some time to get stability into the region and actually try to start winning hearts and minds. As Sharia is already practised in Swat valley, they lose nothing, but have created the conditions for peace and stability.

That said it does feel that they have decided this is a battle that they couldn't win - which is always bad to hear.
Pakistan is a powder keg of instability. It is a pseudo-failed regime that practices semi-authoritarianism, wrapped thinly around a guise of democracy. The fact remains, that Pakistan is continually on the verge of a war, with itself and with its own neighbours.

The alignment that Bush made with Muaharraf only further created tension in a country that relies heavily on the assurance that the military will protect the government. I think either way, their is not much hope for Pakistan, and avoiding civil war, is draining their resources. I think this is a step that while may appease many of the less radical extremists, may only blow further to create more pressure to give up more control over the somewhat secular government and the military.
This is yet another surrender by the “Government” of Pakistan to their radical religious extremists. This is ironic as the Paki government and ISI created this monster in an attempt to weld the different internal factions into something they could govern and control. Rather reminds of the Munich Agreement of 1938.

Having said that, no one will benefit from this, or from the dissolution of Pakistan.

Everytime the Pakistan has bent to the Talibans wishes the Taliban has used the time to regroup and reorganize. The peace wont last. They are dealing with absolute-crazies, they are convinced that God is on their side and will lead them to victory. Negotiations is pointless if its against someone who doesn't wish to negiociate.
Everytime the Pakistan has bent to the Talibans wishes the Taliban has used the time to regroup and reorganize. The peace wont last. They are dealing with absolute-crazies, they are convinced that God is on their side and will lead them to victory. Negotiations is pointless if its against someone who doesn't wish to negiociate.

So you don't feel that the Pakistan govt is trading a little space for time? Admittedly once they've given the OK for Sharia they'll find it hard to revoke, but at least it may help to create more peaceful conditions for them to try and get the population on their side - that is if they have a plan to do this.