Paintball Party

C/2nd Lt Robot

Active member
I had my 15th birthday today, but my real bday is in two days. It was so great. One of the kids got into a truck and we used it as a shield. Then a friend and I had a dual at 20 paces. My first shot hit the house and part of the paintball hit their daughter in the eye, but she's ok. So who here can claim that they shot the only girl at their 15th birthday party?
happy birthday buddy!

heh i gotta go paintballing sometime, would love to go woodland, not speedball
You guys should go airsoft. More expensive for the gun buttt its real size and real time airsoft guns. Ammo is cheap like 5 bucks for 2000 pellets.

No washing off your clothes either:P But I guess paintball is just as cool
I been playing for 4 years and you wouldn't believe the stuff I have done. I have shot my friend in the back POINTBLANK causing a small crater in the back. I have shot out my dads window in his truck. I have been shot right between the eyes (no mask). I have ACTSODENTLY shot a police car (yes the officer did chase me). I have been shot my my own mom for punishment(I didn't know she new how to operate a gun). And many more incidences have followed. I LOVE PAINTBALL
airsoft is so much better

faster...fully automatics weapons...and they actually are ''weapons'' (moddelled on real weapons)

paintball is good cos it really stings but the best kick in airsoft is you can use real tactics (longer range on weapons etc) and catching someone and emptying a high cap mag (300rds) into their arse is mint :D
I've played airsoft and paintball and I gotta say paintball is better for a variety of reasons.
- it's hard to tell if you hit your target with airsoft. Often the guy who got hit doesn't know either.
- You can mod your paintball guns to make them look like real guns. Many stores sell mods for your paintball guns such as
- Automatic? Well, the rate of fire on paintball guns is good enough to make it unneccessary to have it automatic. But if you must you can always get the Egrip attachment.
- Airsoft... well after 200 ft, can you actually see your hit? With paintball, there are a variety of range extention barrels.

I played paintball at a field and airsoft at home and also in an empty parking lot. Paintball ruled. Airsoft is also really fun but I never felt it was really up to paintball.
I went to a friends paintball birthday party yesterday. Paintball is funner in the snow, way funner. I was choosen to be the runner for the first center feild, or suicide run as I call it. With a lot of luck and covering fire I made it to the opposite side. The second time we all just charged them with a hail of paintballs. Then POW paintball. I got hit three times in that one. :( All three I will never forget. Got hit in the hand, lower left side of my back, and I had a third ball for a split second. The third one I will never forget.
Paintball is the absolute best!! I love it. Gotta be careful when you play in the snow if you're using CO2 (unless you're using Nitro)......velocity spikes quite a bit when the gas tries to condense.

Airsoft sounds fun, but I'll stick with paintball.....The honor system in shooting games doesn't work too well with the guys I play with :shock:
oh man that's cool!
I've never been paintballing's not like I don't have the opportunity, the military offers it for us here, but I'm kind of worried that the guys will laugh at me becuase I have no idea how to operate a paintball gun, lol
Damn these threads......they always make me paint hungry and trigger happy.

I'm trying to pick this up when I sell my A-5


OCDTSmith....Don't worry about it, everyone goes paintballing a first time and screws up. It's not that hard to learn either. First time I went, I never managed to completely shut my hopper and I'd leave a trail of paintballs everywhere. Or I'd always have to have someone help me wiht my gun. Next time you should definetly head out! But be'll be addicted quick.

Btw, Forgot to say it earlier!! Happy Birthday Nulli! You gettin your permit anytime soon?
It wasn't my birthday, the first post dealt with my birthday. I've had my permit for a little over one month now. So far only 20 pedistrians have been hit. Shouldn't have been walking on those sidewalks anyway.
Damn, sorry about that, I didn't pay attention to the thread date... Well happy Belated Birthday.

Driving sure is fun though...Yup, I gotta admit, I've got about 5 of those....But I yet to figure out what those Red signs at the end of the sidewalks mean though!!! :twisted:
Close Quarter Combat in paintball is pretty fun as well. Just have to keep the velocity down when rescuing a hostage. Then there is urban paintball, almost turned to that at my party. It's also fun to help out the opposig side with their aiming. As in "A little higher *thwak* Little to the left *thwak* That's good, keep it there" :D Even with all that help the guy still missed us.