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Hello guys, I'm Arash and I've started a vlog on Iranian military and industrial developments. It's a channel that will deal with a very broad set of topics. You can subscribe to my channel for more Iran military-related videos here:
Description of the video and how I problematize the current narrative:
Where does Lebanon's Hezbollah come from? What are the grievances that contributed to its establishment? A short introduction to how it all got started, in English.
In August of 1994, then-State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism Barbara Bodine referred to Hezbollah as an Iranian creation. Despite the political color of her statement and of those preceding and succeeding her, the theory that Hezbollah is a foreign-imposed construct in Lebanon has also remained afloat in more serious discussions and literature.
This short introduction corrects that view, arguing that Hezbollah is an organic and natural evolution within Lebanon. An evolution that gradually took place within the Shiite community following the end of the Great War.