Organic Foods No Healthier Than Regular Food

What to say about that... If I am a full complete investigators laboratory od a prestige university and comes a famous beer company paying me to find all great and wonderful things that liquid element has paying me and my equipe a lot of money for a year investigation...I am for sure I will find lots of benefits for beer drinkers, because I look for the best of it.

Otherway, if the study is asked for Anonims Alcoholic rehabilitators and the payment is the same, the same scientific laboratory will find all the worst of the same beer.

I don't disagree with you but you'll have to provide sources with a real world precedent.

It was an example, just tell you that money oftenly moves investigation in the lines desired. I have worked in the university like scholar? (don´t know if it´s the rite world, but please don´t misanderstood with Lewinsky) and after that I have presented in congress studies some of them conditioned in their lines of investigation by hospital interests, wich are also marked by the lines conducted by directions of regional health systems.

Unfortunately, you need subsidies for investigation programs and they can be denied if you don´t touch what the managers suggest you should be touched.

Anyway, I don´t mind about food, I follow my mediterranean diet and just that. Don´t believe a word in many products offered like free of pesticides, because one of my specialities is Health of work and I can see perfectly levels of contaminating products shouldn´t have to appear there.

Also in emergencies see how many suicide attemptions come refering products are forbidden to use, and when a see the bottles I have to ask me what the fu++ is that doing in a country where is not allowed to be used because of it´s toxicity.

Cheers 13th
i have been telling this to my wife who is american and she just babbles....gonna go and get her and rub the screen in to her face :D:D:D:D:D

I quit eating natural food when I learned that people were dying of natural causes. - uahahahahahaha you killed me.
What to say about that... If I am a full complete investigators laboratory od a prestige university and comes a famous beer company paying me to find all great and wonderful things that liquid element has paying me and my equipe a lot of money for a year investigation...I am for sure I will find lots of benefits for beer drinkers, because I look for the best of it.

Otherway, if the study is asked for Anonims Alcoholic rehabilitators and the payment is the same, the same scientific laboratory will find all the worst of the same beer.


"Scientific" propaganda starts with the answer and works from there.

bulldogg said:
Organic just means the farmer took a dump in his field rather than using processed fertiliser.

Some of the fertilizer they use should really not be used. Processed municipal sludge, for example. Do not want people manure (and probably traces of their medication) in my food, thanks.
You realize that we moved to artificial fertilizer PRECISELY because animal and human fertilizer was unhealthy right?
A good deal of my relatives were farmers even up to about ten years ago (since then most have moved onto other things) but I remember how cow and human faeces were used as fertilizer way back in the day and the eggs of parasites would find their way into the vegetables and hatch inside your stomach when you ate it. At least that was the general belief.
But that's why a switch to artificial fertilizer was made: natural fertilizer is friggin' disgusting.
Exactly. 13thRedneck may be Korean, but he's a true redneck!

People totally miss the micro-bios in human sewage that has lead to a number of illnesses. Cow manure, that's one thing. Human manure, save it for the elections. That's all it's good for!
Didn't spend much time but I have spent SOME time working on farms and stuff.
Seriously, now that people have brought it up, the only folks who'd eat that organic stuff are people who've never seen a farm.
It's like the advocates of wet rice farming... they're the ones who have never set foot inside a wet rice paddy! That stuff is a nasty mosquito factory. Thank GOD they made a move over to the dry rice farming. It's cleaner, uses less water and makes for less mosquitos (though on a farm, you'll just never win).