Operation Eagle Claw-Attempt to rescue Americans in Iran


Iran Hostage Crisis Remembered

Today is the 26th anniversary of the failed hostage rescue attempt in Iran which resulted in death of Eight American servicemen.

The fall of the late Shah of Iran in 1979 turned Iran to a anti-American hotbed for a while, and the crisis got worse when a group of radical islamist-marxist individuals supported by the Islamic regime leadership occupied the US embassy in Nov, 4th 1979 and took more than 60 American diplomats hostage for more than a year.

As an Iranian, I am sorry for the mistreatment of the American nationals in Iran but the issue of hostage taking will remain in history of Iran as a dark and shameful spot for which we owe an apology to the Americans.

The Atlantic Monthly recently published a series of articles, pictures and video clips on the hostage crisis which can be seen at The Atlantic Online web site.

For more information, you may want to view James Bancroft's personal web page which is looking at the issue from a personal point of view.

Update1: I forgot to mention the Canada's role in helping couple of American hostages to flee Iran during the crisis. Canada did help prepare fake documents for bunch of American diplomats to get away.
Those sneaky friggin Canadians hey?
444 days in captivity... this is the Pearl Harbour and JFK assassination of my young lifetime.
Well Iran was in a state of turmoil with no theocracy taking over fully. Attacking perceived allies of the former regime just seemed natural. Idk why the embassy wasn't evacuated before it was besieged, but there was a lot of things going on at the time that the shit really just hit the fan. It wasn't until the Iraqis attacked Iran that Khomeini took control and galvanized the country into his islamic theocracy, such a shame for a country that could've grown so properous otherwise.
WarMachine said:
Well Iran was in a state of turmoil with no theocracy taking over fully. Attacking perceived allies of the former regime just seemed natural. Idk why the embassy wasn't evacuated before it was besieged, but there was a lot of things going on at the time that the shit really just hit the fan. It wasn't until the Iraqis attacked Iran that Khomeini took control and galvanized the country into his islamic theocracy, such a shame for a country that could've grown so properous otherwise.

my dad was suppsoed to go into Iran to help free the hostages when he was in the Marines, but they would have had to go through a harbor or something to get to Iran and they didnt want to risk losing any ships in case it was mined