Obama: 'Misjudgment' to demand Iran recognize Israel in nuclear deal

I think with current circumstances, get what you can get in this deal and let it ride.

I am by no means saying push the issue down the road but any further violation of trust on either end is not helpful either.
I am still at a loss as to understand why Israel thinks it has any say in this agreement, perhaps Iran should demand Israel recognise Palestine before the US sends its next 3.5 billion in aid?

Personally I think Iran should sweeten the deal and agree to recognise Israel within the mandated 1947 borders that will really piss Israel off.

Well not really that drastic but the U.S. is having far more support in the fight against ISIS from Iran, and even the Senate is starting to realize that Iran is a far better mediator in region that understands the secular politics in the region and the influence of Islam on Government and society here far better than the U.S. or Israel ever will. All with $0.00 of support.

Iran could be the regional pivot that helps the smaller countries deal with their problems.

Or morph into a small Putin like Dictatorship and become a Mini Russia and bully it's neighbors into it's orbit?

Who knows?
Iran will do what's good for Iran and at present the U.S. is doing what's good for Iran , Why aren't the Americans saying we don't need you you need us .