Not Quite, Soldier...


Forum Health Inspector
For some recruits, there is nothing basic about basic training. It was clear that one soldier in particular was not getting the hang of it when on guard duty one night, he cried out, "Halt! Don't shoot or I'll move!"

-- Tom Birdwell

Provided Courtesy of Reader's Digest.
i wonder if the person who he was talking to, actually stopped, or just have him hell for confusing the guy?!?!:drill:
when I was in basic our commanders loved comming up to guard posts to check if we do the whole stop-or-ill-shoot thing right. So we kind of started doing it at anything. My friend was on guard duty at night when a figure came running towards the post from inside the base:
Guard:Stop. Identify yourself!
Figure-Keeps running
Guard:Stop, stop or I will shoot!
Figure-Keeps running
Guard-cocks his rifle and shouts: "Stop or Ill shoot!"
Figure-Stops dead in its tracks, raises its hands in the air and cries out:
"No, dont shoot me! Please!My name is Moshe, I'm an NCO here! I have a wife and kids!"
Guy was use to the bootcamp soldiers calling out "stop!" to anyone but usually they would see he is just a guy jogging and relax. It really scared the hell out of him when my friend cockd the rifle. Ovcourse, had he known the drill in that base, he would know that first you **** the rifle empty, just to show intent(Due to so many friendlies walking around).