New profile field suggestions?

For Military Status, I'm not sure if anyone outside the U.S. has the equivalent of these, but here we have Reserves and National Guard, which are different than Active Duty. So for those of us (technically I'm in the U.S. Army Reserves, even though I'm a Cadet and I'm on an Active Duty contract) who are in the military but are not Active, there is no correct option.

Aside from that, it looks really good, nothing I can think of to add.
I suppose this is an addendum to Redneck's request. For those of us who have Cadet status there isn't a correct choice. The Reserves option doesn't work for me. Perhaps there should be a Cadet/In Training option?
GuyontheRight said:
Its good, Is the schools field only for military schools?

(almost) all fields can be used for both civ and mil.

And to you Samirine.
I'll add an cadet option too.
Is it OK to make the email optional? With technology making life easier and all ;) I think one should be able to simply leave the email off the web alltogether...
silent driller said:
Is it OK to make the email optional? With technology making life easier and all ;) I think one should be able to simply leave the email off the web alltogether...

??? And your point is????
Hey, how about an empty field where we can add anything extra we want to about ourselves? You could always regulate the number of words allowed right? How about it Sir?
Hm, maybe I should add a JROTC (or something similar) option as well..
Redleg said:
Hm, maybe I should add a JROTC (or something similar) option as well..

Could you include that to be CAP also? Ok, so we are just an aux. but hey now... lol. j/p, i'm a little hyper.

"JROTC (or similar Junior mil. group)"

Sounds ok, or should I call it something else??