New American rifle XM-28

Jason Bourne

Active member
or something like that, either XM-28, XM-29, XM-8

i forgot which one, but it kicks ass.

I've noticed that modern military rifles are more like computers then guns and this gun proves it, Currently only prototypes exist but it will be mass produced and distributed amongst US soldiers in the year 2008.

can't wait to get mine
Yep, that's the one, i had a couple websites on it but they got deleted when i got a virus.

The features on that gun are amazing, and they still have 4 more years of development.

OICW is a great gun.

But the OICSW is the best, it is basically a computer that does everything for the gun.
OICW as it stands will never be In use, It's bulky and awkward to carry, and setting up the computer systems is not ideal for combat. It evolved into the XM-8.
Well true the OICSW is a pretty big gun, it is gigantic. And it would take time to set up, but i still think it would be ideal for defense of embassies
hate it

i hate that gun, i like the M16 and M4, i dont think guns should have computers on them and stuff.
I'd hate computer systems being on a gun, and take this from someone who knows computers. If guns start to rely too much on computers, the average dumbass user is ****ed. Some people are INCREDIBLY stupid with even the basics of electronics. And what happens if they do put computer like systems on a gun? Will you need a high EL score on the ASVAB just to carry one? LOL
plus those guns are so complicated, i would never be able to use them properly, plus the cost of these guns must be outrageous.
Almost forgot

GuyontheRight said:
OICW as it stands will never be In use, It's bulky and awkward to carry, and setting up the computer systems is not ideal for combat. It evolved into the XM-8.

Thank God for that LOL. It looks like a good rifle, lets just hope it stands the test of time!