New 2 Army- Easy Ride?


New Member
Hey, I'm a DEP in Army.I'm going to be a clarinet player and am going to FT. JAckson for Basic on Sept. 7. I hear from lots of people that I have it easy but have had enormous troubles battling the tape. Any advice or tips and just plain well-wishing would be wonderful. Thanks.

Welcome aboard Rfender. Wish you well in basic and keep your head up when those others say you got it easy. Don't let others comments control you and get you down. Good luck and Godspeed :D
Good luck dude!

A friend of mine just went to Norwich (just left today). Anyways... Something school related.. lets see. man, Chemistry is confusing! I have a test tomorrow on the first 3 chapters of the book - which we can write in. how cool is that?