need info!


Active member
i need information about the national guard joining in 22 days. need to kno if it'll effect school in any way. thanks
Well your basic training will affect school. AT which is 2 weeks will also affect your schedule. As far as I know nothing civilianwise can hemm you up by law over a military schedule. My college teachers were cool with it. They would drop assignments and I would do what I could out in the field. They gave me maybe 6 hours worth of work over a 2 week period to make sure I could complete it.
If you get deployed while attending school, you are allowed to drop the courses as if you never took them and get a refund of your tuition. If your state has TA (Tuition assistance) this should not be a problem. We had quite a few student soldiers in my last unit and the commander allowed the students to leave AT early to return home and take final exams. In most cases as long as you don't abuse the privilege, your chain of command should work with you.