Need help on Ferdinand Foch


New Member
Hello everybody

I am a history student and I have to do an investigation about Ferdinand Foch. I need to make a statement about this man and defend it with arguments and examples. Gathering information about this man is not that much of a problem, i have founded alot of biographic information.

My problem is that I cannot come up with a good investigation question about Ferdinand Foch , i really do not know what i can investigate? I know that he played a very important role in WW I , and according to the information my teacher has given me , he is known for his great battle views ,but also as a leader who does not care much about a lot of casualties.Was he a good leader or a poor one?

Can you help me make a statement about him that can be backed up by good arguments?

Thanks alot.
Thiphi said:
Hello everybody

I am a history student and I have to do an investigation about Ferdinand Foch. I need to make a statement about this man and defend it with arguments and examples. Gathering information about this man is not that much of a problem, i have founded alot of biographic information.

My problem is that I cannot come up with a good investigation question about Ferdinand Foch , i really do not know what i can investigate? I know that he played a very important role in WW I , and according to the information my teacher has given me , he is known for his great battle views ,but also as a leader who does not care much about a lot of casualties.Was he a good leader or a poor one?

Can you help me make a statement about him that can be backed up by good arguments?

Thanks alot.

I suggest you read this.

Foch was a commander who was offensive-minded almost to the point of being rigid. This was however a good thing in a way since it allowed him to be the saviour of France on a couple of occasions such as First Marne. He was so confident that not even the huge German offensives of 1918 couldn't shake him. Naturally this came at a [euphemism]certain discomfort to the troops[/euphemism] but still the end-result was good.

Even at the beginning of the war, Foch was getting on years and some of his ideas on war were perhaps a little outdated, but he was still able to deliver when needed. One could still however argue could a perhaps more moderate commander have achieded the same things with less casualties. One thing for sure, he was no Haig or John French.
Have a read of John Mosier's book called the "Myth of the Great War".

He has some very interesting views on Foch.

He takes a different slant on the war. He wrote it a couple of years ago. It should be easily found at any public library.

I think you have nearly worked out for yourself the investigation question:

"Was Foch a successful supreme comander of the allied armies in 1918?"

I think you will find plenty of points for and against on this question.

Enjoy your investigation topic.
Can you help me make a statement about him that can be backed up by good arguments?

That's it? Just a statement... like Foch disliked Lima Beans and provide the historical proof? What is your view of Foch? If this essay is as wide open as it seems, knowledge of your attitude and opinion towards him is essential towards helping you find a basis for the making of a stance.