My Own Little Community Home..


Active member
I am nearly done with my own little community home..

Even a SilverPhoenix gotta have a place to stay at on the net.. :wink:

So feel free to visit it, even though it ain't complete yet..

Look at my drawings please, and comment them..

Feel free to join.. 8)

I hope you at least will find it interesting to view it so far.. :D

And about the Top 10 Car page..

Yeah, I know the pictures ain't working yet, But I am going to work with that ASAP.

See ya guys..

And talk to you later, Cowboy.. :P
Cool :D Are you a big horse fan? Heres a pic of me and my sister with our horses from last Christmas...


The Little One is a POA :D
Don't be like that Cowboy.. :?

Just cus you had a view over my drawings and such..

Be nice, Or I wont let the swedish santa give you any presents.. And I know you don't want that..

By the way, Have you seen my binoculars?

Or the scope?

Cus I have aimed at the target.. :twisted:
Haha, but I have to be like that, or people will get the wrong idea about me.
Sounds like that's one powerful dang scope you got yourself there :wink: .

Oh, and I have the Swedish Santa in my basement, I caught him trespassing.

Nice drawings and nice horses. :D

But I believe that you are missing a very important thing on your site!
(Links.. hint.. hint... 8) )
I will put up the link to the Military Forum..

And about the scope, yeah, remember I am from FBI, Cowboy..

we have more weapons then you will know..

and don't force me to pull that trigger .. I wouldn't wanna bring a such a nice prey down..

But I would gladly have it as a trophy though.. 8)

And Santa is with me, I rescued him a few minutes ago, who will then deliver my presents?

You, "Cowboy"?

Anyways.. Thanks Redleg.. I have made the skecthes all by mind and the small amount of an intelligence.. :lol:

Merry Christmas Redleg.. And all the others.. And maybe you, Cowboy, if you are nice that is.. :P
I guess it's all just as well, I don't do deliveries :wink: .
Merry Christmas to yourself (and everybody else, too).