Munitions Airman


Active member
Hello. I have been on this forum for a while, but for those of you who are not familiar with me.

I am a 17 year old male from Stockton, CA in the U.S. of A.
I am a Senior in High School and i am in D.E.P. (Delayed Entry Program) With the U.S.A.F. I leave for Basic Training July 13th. I am going to be a Munitions Systems Apprentice. any questions please feel free to ask...
When i first decided to join the military i wasn't sure which branch of the Military i wanted to join... I ended up siding more twards the Navy. I went in and talked to the recruiter and he seemed to pushy, the first day i went in there to talk to him he had me signing paper work and wanted to send me for processing the next week, i didn't feel to comfortable with this. One day i was at home and my mom brings me this postcard from the Air Force recruiter in my area. So i wound up going in and talking to him. He was more patient with me and real polite. I didn't feel pressured as i did with the Navy recruiter. The AF Recruiter told me straight up when i told him i decided i want to join. he said "Now do you really want to join the Air Force or not? You need to have your mind made up because if i am wasting my time with all this paper work for you, i am going to be pissed off. I basically chose the Air Force because the recruiter took more time with me and made me feel more comfortable, it wasn't until later that i found that the AF had more to offer to me than the Navy, and i was happy with my choice...
Well Thank you... I am glad to be here... I got only about a month left then I will out of every ones hair................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................FOR A WHILE...................................................

once i am done with BCT and My Tech School, I will be back...