MSN Yahoo ICQ IRC and Aim all in one


Active member
well i have been using Trillian as a chat alternative and just wanted to let my milforum fam know about it because i really like it.. it combines all of the above in one gui so that you can see all of your contacts on one central location. and it is still free. you can get skins etc for it. check it out i like it way better than having to juggle all of the different messengers!!

just in case you don't want to google it. enjoy!
Trillian is truly a good software. The only problem ist about file transfer between users using trillian and ICQ. Transfer works only when both users use the same software.

I´ve been using Trillian for over a year now.

implicature said:
rotc boy said:
do you need to have all of the different programs or could you just a few?

i only use yahoo msn and aim.. i havent ever been much for icq or irc chat

Same here but I finally gave up on it as I hate the problem with File Transfer so now I just Run AOL 9.0 S.E., MSN and Yahoo as seperate programs.
go trillian!!!
i have been using it for over a year now and i have never looked back!!!

what do people think of Trillian3??

it seems good, but there is only the default skin at the moment
i like the way they have made it so you can now use avatars with msn etc, which .74 didn't have, but i also think it seems eerily a LOT like msn messenger
that said, its fantastic that they have decided to enable voice comm\n

do you need to have all of the different programs or could you just a few
what happens is there is a connections center and if you have accounts in any of the various mediums, you set up a connection to it.
a lot of people seem to be using msn messenger these days, its def. the most common, prolly bc its easy to use and its not that complicated and it doesn't require a lot of knowledge. to all these people, i encourage you to try trillian, its an aweome piece of software