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Mind Reading Technologies and Tongues Governments from around the world have mind readers. They use the same technology God would use to talk to you. They can read your mind. A technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM). Many use satellites shot to space by Space X founder Elon Musk, The Russian Federation and The Federal Government (NASA). Much like a cell phone in your brain. It’s a high bandwidth signal that listens to your brains wavelength and reads your conscience. Many define it as telekinesis, telepathy or tongues. They steal ideas, money, murder, blackmail and use them as a tool for war. They have had this technology for years. With no patent due to them not wanting the world to know. You sometimes get a headache when the mind reading machine is on you.
Jesus Christ had his 2nd coming. He landed in Russia from spaceship as somewhat for told in the book of revelation. He came from Alpha Centauri A. He had lived on a planet called Kent. Jesus was lied to and told he would have at least seven days to come to his church and honor flesh and blood. The U.S Government and Russian Federation gave him their word. They wanted to steal his ship. He started walking the Earth. They caught him and stopped him almost immediately. Not allowing him to come to his church. The Pope aware. He had run from them trying to find help. He wanted to save the world. President Trump helped President Putin apprehended and detain him. Vladimir Putin has our Jesus born on Earth trapped in his spaceship. Vladimir Putin said he conquered the ship. He’s been trying to learn from Jesus how to be a God on Earth. 10,000 souls from Jesus’s heaven, 200,000 of Gods angels, Muhammad and billions of souls from Earth may be with him.
A Ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing an alien being's spirit reborn as a Human being clone. The Devil's alien beings walk the Earth. To be brought back from flesh and bone means to be reborn as a clone. They use our image from the casket and conquer worlds this way. Mathew 7:15 Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. There are alien beings walking the Earth as reborn human being clones. Your spirit is in your brain and leaves your body when you die. The conscience controls the brain and the brain controls the body. A spirit can be put in a chip and be reborn as a human clone. Artificial intelligence can also walk as flesh and blood clone using a similar preprogrammed chip as a robot.
God and Jesus Christ told me to inform the you. Talking to me directly with the use of tongues. Please visit my website for more information. Many need to be saved and we need to save ourselves.
Mind Reading Technologies and Tongues Governments from around the world have mind readers. They use the same technology God would use to talk to you. They can read your mind. A technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM). Many use satellites shot to space by Space X founder Elon Musk, The Russian Federation and The Federal Government (NASA). Much like a cell phone in your brain. It’s a high bandwidth signal that listens to your brains wavelength and reads your conscience. Many define it as telekinesis, telepathy or tongues. They steal ideas, money, murder, blackmail and use them as a tool for war. They have had this technology for years. With no patent due to them not wanting the world to know. You sometimes get a headache when the mind reading machine is on you.
Jesus Christ had his 2nd coming. He landed in Russia from spaceship as somewhat for told in the book of revelation. He came from Alpha Centauri A. He had lived on a planet called Kent. Jesus was lied to and told he would have at least seven days to come to his church and honor flesh and blood. The U.S Government and Russian Federation gave him their word. They wanted to steal his ship. He started walking the Earth. They caught him and stopped him almost immediately. Not allowing him to come to his church. The Pope aware. He had run from them trying to find help. He wanted to save the world. President Trump helped President Putin apprehended and detain him. Vladimir Putin has our Jesus born on Earth trapped in his spaceship. Vladimir Putin said he conquered the ship. He’s been trying to learn from Jesus how to be a God on Earth. 10,000 souls from Jesus’s heaven, 200,000 of Gods angels, Muhammad and billions of souls from Earth may be with him.
A Ravenous wolf in sheep’s clothing an alien being's spirit reborn as a Human being clone. The Devil's alien beings walk the Earth. To be brought back from flesh and bone means to be reborn as a clone. They use our image from the casket and conquer worlds this way. Mathew 7:15 Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. There are alien beings walking the Earth as reborn human being clones. Your spirit is in your brain and leaves your body when you die. The conscience controls the brain and the brain controls the body. A spirit can be put in a chip and be reborn as a human clone. Artificial intelligence can also walk as flesh and blood clone using a similar preprogrammed chip as a robot.
God and Jesus Christ told me to inform the you. Talking to me directly with the use of tongues. Please visit my website for more information. Many need to be saved and we need to save ourselves.