Marines Racist?


Active member
my dad said that in the weather school he went to for Advanced Camp, he siad that most of the marines were racists, are a lot of marines racist?

I don't see how any of our services could be racist. There is such a wide range of nationalities, it would be impossible to function if they all d each other.
webs said:
my dad said that in the weather school he went to for Advanced Camp, he siad that most of the marines were racists, are a lot of marines racist?


I don't know, I'll ask my Chinese wife..... :shock:
Generally, the military is a reflection of the society. There are racists in our society so there are going to be racists in the military. However, that number is extemely small.

To say one branch is racist is quite ignorant.

I would be very careful in this discusion

SGT Doody
i didn't mean the marines are racists, i meant, are there a lot of racists in the marines?
I don't think that a racist would last very long in any branch of the military. There are too many individuals from every different race for someone in the service to hate someone else based on color or ethnicity. I do not think you would find many racists in any part of the military.
People, there will always be some form of racial conflict somewhere, that is a fact of life. Some people are just ignorant that way. In the military, and my experience in The Corps you are always taught from boot on up, throughout your military career, there is only one color in The Corps and that is GREEN. There may be different shades of it, but it is all Green, you are brothers and sisters and if you can not get past that you need not apply.
my dad said when this guy was mumbling about how the CO was black, the sergeant made sure he would never do that again, lol
I never saw overt racisim in combat arms. But I heard of some tensions in certain Support Units at Camp Lejune.
In my expierance racisim is not condoned nor tolorated in the Corps.