Marine Corps Waiver


Active member
Hi, I'm currently attempting to join the United States Marine Corps. Unfortunately I need a waiver to join, and I know this makes me 'ineligible'. It is a relatively serious waiver and I'm working to build up my packet. I've already gone in to interview with the OPSO of the MEPS and he said it's not a 'no' its a 'not right now' so we're going to try here at the end of January, or early Febuary. My recruiter said that just by coming back, I am helping my packet, and I'm volunteering at the local VA Hospital. What I was wondering is, what kind of personal references should I get to help my waiver package, and should I try another recruiter if it fails again? Any suggestions other than try another branch or give up? The waiver is a tough one, but its not impossible. Thanks :)
exactually what is the wavier for? from your backround check?? or medical?? I need to see if i can get a Waiver to get the MOS i want to be (security forces) in the Marine Corps i Enlisted as GE, if i cant get the Waiver im gonna go in as something else and transfer over after my backround clears... does anyone know if i can get a waiver for Security forces if i have DUI, the prereq said no serious offenses, but thats the only thing i have and no med problems or anything... you think maybe i can slip that waiver by???
DavidP. What is the Waiver For?

Rocky- You probably need to do some time in an Infantry Unit and apply to Sec. Forces.
Well, to start off, and it sounds REALLY bad when I say it but the offense was relatively minor in retrospect, I was 16 and was driving my friends car helping him run errands (and I know everyone says 'oh the my friend story' but this is the honest to God truth) and we parked in front of someones house, he went in and I sat there for what seemed like an hour, and when he came back he had apparently robbed a nearby bank. I had no clue because he didn't seem to be in any hurry to get in the car and I didn't notice what he was carrying, so I drove off like normal and stopped like normal when we ran into about 10 cop cars. Well in Texas its 'Guilt by Association' and since I was driving the car it just seems obvious to the authorities that, hey this guy is in on it.

Well I ended up having to plea bargain because they had enough so called 'evidence' against me to prosecute and I got 1 year of probation. The actual charge was "Minor Engaged in Delinquent Conduct - Robbery F2". So the waiver is a felony waiver and the MOS that I told the OPSO that I wanted was 'any that the Marine Corps would give me' so he asked 'would you like infantry?' and I told him that if that got me in the Marines, I'd love to.

Now on a side-track, I've talked with many people involved in the recruiting thing and they have all told me that I shouldn't have said anything because it IS a juvenile offense, and when it does come up (in boot camp i guess) to just play dumb and tell them that I didn't know I had to tell them, blah blah blah BUT I don't want to take that risk rather than just have the waiver. But that's what I'm here for, so please, sound off :-D Thanks
Once you are in it will not come up again unless you bring it up. Most people have no clue what anyone has done unless you decide they need to know. Best policy is tell all, not just for joinin but that goes for life also. The more you try to hide the more people will want to know, then it leads to lies and everythin else. just play it straight and everything should be fine.
Your Waiver might be tough to get. What your talking about is Accomplice before and after the fact to Bank Robbery.
That's the way I've been playing it, just staying honest and open, especially with the people that have the power to sway the balance. The captain I interviewed with was very straightforward and basically said that if I lie, I'm not helping him and he therefore can't help me. So I just hope it all works out... any ideas what would be good personal references?

Well to be honest with you i would try to find the officers that were involved in the arrest. get a notarized statement stating that you cooperated with their every request and that you did not resist. also if you went to court get a transcript of the case and give it either to the captain or your recruiter. this may be going a bit overboard but if you get all this crap together now it may save you a day or two in the wait time and also it makes you look more squared away... granted i ain't the one to are trying to impress! another thing you may want to do is to get all awards you have received throughout HS etc and have them on hand.
In my experience preachers and teachers/principals make the best references out of highschool.
Thanks for the advice, I'm going to call my lawyer and have her get the police report from the event. How many character witnesses should I get? I have a buddy that wants to fill one out for me and he used to be in the Marine Corps and I have another friend thats currently serving in Yuma that will fill one out... would these be helpful even if they are friends? I've known them both for more than 7 years. Thanks again

edit: is it also true that its easier to get waivers further north than in the lower states? I'm trying from Texas and I've gone through about 4 recruiters before I found one that was optimistic about getting the waiver. Thanks :D
I have never heard that it would be easier further north. That is a new one on me, will have to look into that.
I heard on the news today that the Pentagon is ordering for agressive recruiting in the Marine Corps and the Army. :D Lucky me I guess? I'll have to confirm the story but if its true then damn am I happy
Sooners1 said:
I have never heard that it would be easier further north. That is a new one on me, will have to look into that.

I haven't heard that one either, I was recruited out of Detroit and we had a huge amount of people that were rejected due to troubles with the law (Its Detroit, think about it, great training ground for urban warfare). I can say one thing, I see more billboards in Flint and Detroit for recruiting for the Corps than anyother city I visit including Chicago and Dallas.
I haven't heard that one either, I was recruited out of Detroit and we had a huge amount of people that were rejected due to troubles with the law (Its Detroit, think about it, great training ground for urban warfare). I can say one thing, I see more billboards in Flint and Detroit for recruiting for the Corps than anyother city I visit including Chicago and Dallas.

I heard that from a Gunnery Sgt who recruits up in like Minnesota or something. The 'logic' behind it was that there are more people being recruiting down south (especially in Texas apparently as I've heard that the San Antonio MEPS and Dallas MEPS recruit the most or among the top RS's) and it's easier to find recruits, whereas up north there's more work involved so when a recruiter DOES put a packet for a waiver in, its competing with less people and therefor is easier to be approved. But again this is just secondhand knowledge that was passed on to me :) Thanks for all the comments though. If you guys/girls can think of ANYTHING that will help, I'm very dedicated to joining and am willing to go to great lengths to ensure that I am given the opportunity to serve my country :)
security force background check is done when you get to security force school in chesapeake not before you get in. I had an assault charge and still served 2 years in security force.