Love to Hate


The Viking
As what the title says, this is a thread about music you love to hate. The summer is supposed to be here.

I begin with this summer pest

This is a popular song but every time it comes on the radio I change the station.


THIS SONG..... omfg! Most horrible ever, but I know all the words and when I'm drunk I bust moves to this song like it's nobody's business..... O.o.... but.... this video does redeem the song some....

[ame=""]Call Me Maybe Cover - Kunar, Afghanistan - US Army Soldiers[/ame]
Another one I love to hate. It even has a dance named after it....Hey Macarena!....

For some strange reason this music video is best with the sound off.. :cool:

This one certainly deserves to be on this list as well, I already regret that I found it and listened to it for a few seconds again now.. :firedevi:

And a couple more, just to ruin your evening completely... :p


".......What I am is what I am.. are you what you are or what?... I"m not aware of too many things.. I know what I know if you know what I mean... ?.."

No I don't know what she means..

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It's a cute video made with a terrible song..

Who let the dogs out??????

I worked with a Ukrainian veterinarian. He would always sing that. So I can't hate it. He was hilarious.