Learn all the lies about Bush.

Italian Guy

Milforum Hitman
I've spent these past two weeks reading and studying ( for my own deliberate interest ) hundreds of pages from reviews and studies on the lies of Fahrenheit 911. Amazing how many falsehoods are in it.
The most interesting parts of what I've read is what follows.
I invite you guys to download it and get it printed. It's quite long, but if you're interested you won't regret it. Working psychology is supercool but the rest is vital. My 2 cent.




elections are on the way, it will be hard to convince someone to vote Bush if he settled for Kerry.
Snauhi said:
elections are on the way, it will be hard to convince someone to vote Bush if he settled for Kerry.

I'm not trying to convince anyone. I'm just saying I found this documents which testify how many lies have been said. Lies about Bush, not from him.
There's been plenty of deception this election year and not enough truth. Ultimately, if Kerry wins I will be disappointed, but if that's what the American People decide then I'll be okay with it.

The election probably won't end today though. Give it a month for everyone to sue everyone else for cheating and demand a recount, then we'll see for sure.