kiwi troops in Vietnam


i got told this one by my dad from his time in vietnam;

a New zealand infantry unit was set up next to an american unit in south vietnam, now the US camp was something to behold, all nicely squared away, helicopters taking off & landing constantly, even loudspeakers blaring out cap it all off, at the gate into the US camp there was a big sign with the units mascot and unit patch painted on it. and in big letters was the unit number and the slogan;

"XX battalion, second to none"

now the kiwi's camp was relaxed with none of the mod cons of the US forces but they just could not let that big sign go, so in the middle of the night they erected their own, it simply said;

" NONE! "
Actually, I've heard that "second to none" joke many times before. It's probably as old as the first time some Roman legion posted something like it on their barracks.
Man some people are so pedantic are me and ed here the only ones that see that as humour. Jesus man I like it and I sympathise about the whole air force thing although im serving with the RAF at the moment dont see it as a credible force lol
Gotta cheer for the underdog with a sense of humor! :lol:

I didn't see anyone say that the Kiwis were the underdog.

Underestimating your enemy is foolish.
Underestimating your allies is even worse.
'Tis far better to be shown up by someone whom you consider to be at least your equal. :lol::lol: