This has to be the most silliest question I've ever seen a presidential candidate answer. Is this all they can think of?
Of course no one (except for his nazi followers) wanted the holocaust to happen and this evil man to be born.
To ask this question ... is just ridiculous. And for him to answer.. saying he would kill a baby.. is even more ridiculous. What a spot to be put in.. I do't know what I would say.. maybe "get back to reality please".
It's like a cartoon skit.. seems like it anyway....
It seems like a chicken shit way of asking someone do they agree with what Hitler did and would they have stopped him in any way possible.
"hhmm let's ask if he would kill a baby.... see how the world reacts to if he would let the evil baby live or kill it.. and say "I know the future.. the future says he's planning to be one of the most evil human that ever lived so.. i'm killing the baby"... wow... Where's the science fiction fanatic when you need him?... oh... he was banned.. haha
What is the world coming to?
And for the record:. I'm not a fan of Jeb... no matter what the answer.
I hope someone else comments on this.. I'm curious what others think about it.