Team Infidel
Forum Spin Doctor
Washington Times
May 3, 2008
Pg. 6
MOGADISHU — A U.S. air strike that killed the suspected al Qaeda leader in Somalia brought warnings of vengeance from Islamic insurgents yesterday and the threat of a boycott that could jeopardize peace talks with the U.N.-supported government.
The biggest alliance supporting Somalia's Islamic insurgency said it might pull out of planned May 10 talks on escalating fighting and a humanitarian crisis that has caused thousands of civilian deaths over the past year.
In a pre-dawn attack Thursday, U.S. missiles destroyed the house of reputed al Qaeda leader Aden Hashi Ayro in the central town of Dusamareeb. The attack killed 24 others, a town elder said.
May 3, 2008
Pg. 6
MOGADISHU — A U.S. air strike that killed the suspected al Qaeda leader in Somalia brought warnings of vengeance from Islamic insurgents yesterday and the threat of a boycott that could jeopardize peace talks with the U.N.-supported government.
The biggest alliance supporting Somalia's Islamic insurgency said it might pull out of planned May 10 talks on escalating fighting and a humanitarian crisis that has caused thousands of civilian deaths over the past year.
In a pre-dawn attack Thursday, U.S. missiles destroyed the house of reputed al Qaeda leader Aden Hashi Ayro in the central town of Dusamareeb. The attack killed 24 others, a town elder said.