Is there a graphic expert in here?

Italian Guy

Milforum Hitman
Hi guys. As you know (or should know) I write for a blog. I get lots of comments posted and it's interesting.
At times I get pictures posted too, and it has happened a few times that some posters questioned the authenticity of pictures (saying that that looked modified and things like that).
I thought the forum could turn out useful once again.

So is there anyone in here who is an expert in graphic or pictures?
Anyone who is able to detect what's evidently false in a picture and what it's not?

I would ask for your opinion very rarely, so it wouldn't be much of a fuss for you.

Thanks- I'll send you a pot of spaghetti FedEx.

Italian Guy.
usually,unless the person who modified the picture did it for living you'll see smudge marks or blurriness around the edges of the modified section, or the section that has been grafted on. Also you can usually do a google image search and try to find images that are the same or similar to the one you have to try to establish whether it has been modified or not.
I have a friend who is "Miss Photoshop" plus she does alot of graphics. I can ask her if she can help you. I just know how to point the digital and upload the photo, lol. And I just got fooled terribly on another site by one of our posters who was using photos from a catalog to represent herself. I wholeheartly believed it was her!
Pimp Squeak, thank you lots. Checking Google images is definitely a good idea.

And Courtenay, yeah it would be interesting. Would you please give me your friend's email address or something like that?

I think you can find mine on my profile.

I'll write only in certain rare occasions. Thanks baby. 8)