I posted 4 pictures of myself.

Ahhhh so ur one of those muscle type of guys...............AHAHAHAHHAHA i thought u were a geek,what a pleasent suprise :lol:
Ah, pictures of an Italian guy! lol :) Didn't spec ya to be the buff type.

But that one picture of you with the American flag faded... :roll: 8)
Chocobo_Blitzer said:
But that one picture of you with the American flag faded... :roll: 8)

LOL---I was about to post that I thought that picture was very cool! I guess everyone has different tastes!
Yoo dhingk he's mascly? Waid undil yoo zee me!

Of course you deserve your own thread when everyone else is posting in the pictures thread :lol: (just amd about losing a milbuck) ;) . Where's the spaghetti?
Thanks Courtenay. The guys here are a bit picky, y'know 8)

And- yeah that's a real narcisistic thread. But let's drop it. Thanks guys.
Silent Driller, that is about Gross.

Yeah, I took some new pictures, But i'm debating posting them... If people started stalkin me I would really freak out :P .