I need help!!

Random Person

New Member

So I want to join the military when I'm old enough. But my mom think that since I have straight A's, I need to go to college. I've asked friends what I should do but all they told me to do was to tell her to **** off. But she's my mom and I love her and want her support. She doesn't really know but I'm very interested in it and she told me that I'm not allowed to go into the military. What should I do to convince her that this is what I want to do? And also if you have any training advice or anything like that, please give me that too! Thanks!

So I want to join the military when I'm old enough. But my mom think that since I have straight A's, I need to go to college. I've asked friends what I should do but all they told me to do was to tell her to **** off. But she's my mom and I love her and want her support. She doesn't really know but I'm very interested in it and she told me that I'm not allowed to go into the military. What should I do to convince her that this is what I want to do? And also if you have any training advice or anything like that, please give me that too! Thanks!

What you can do is to get to a recruitment office, preferably to all branches to figure out which branch suits you best. Something you can think about is what do you want to do when you leave the military and you need to talk to the different offices about that. The US has the GI Bill and it can provide you with an education. Take this information home to your mom. The nice thing with the GI Bill (if I understand it correctly) is you can avoid the expense of going to a college or a university. Although, finish school first. You might change your mind about the military. It can also be good to have a plan B or even a plan C if the military does not work for you. You never know.

The training part. Running, the gym is good to get a good condition. I recommend swimming, if you have pool suited for it close to where you live. Cross country skiing is also good, but if you live if Florida or any other southern state.
It appears that you are underage and need a parent's permission to join up. In a few years you will not need permission and will be free to do as you please which includes the freedom to make your own mistakes.
I think your mother understands that the role of the armed forces is to impose the will of the U.S. by force of arms. Everyone who joins up had better understand that. It is NOT a civilian job with good benefits. You may be required to go to hell and back to pay for your educational benefits.
Keep in mind that Momma may be right. She hasn't steered your wrong so far.
Many who join the military have cause to regret it later. Few who attend and graduate from college have similar second thoughts.
Do you best to get good grades, go to college, but get the military to pay for it. Go in as an officer. When you graduate , no student loans, but you'll have to serve a certain commitment. Think how much it cost to become a doctor. Doctor, engineer, accountant, lawyer etc. Be a professional, get a good education paid for. Doubt if your mother would be mad at you if you graduated college then spent a few years as a well paid officer. Kinda wish I'd have done that, but the US Army was a good experience for me, even as a lowly enlisted man in the Corps of Engineers.
do you have a cadet force where you are if so give them a try first you would be better placed to make up your ow mind