Hullo Werld!

The Other Guy

Spam King
I am The Other Guy and I am from the USA. I almost forgot to enter in here and made one post before this. :oops: :oops: :oops:

I found this site while searching the web for some awful aircraft. instead of that, i found this, which seems to be better than the four pages of garbage i looked through to get to this...

anyway, i am happy to be here in this internet community.
Well hey, welcome to the forums!
You can probably ask anyone on here for some help finding anything to do with the military if you want and probably get a pretty good answer. As well as there seems to be alot of people around here who know alot more than just the military!

This is a good place to be!

Welcome to our little home of insanity!
Hello Other Guy...welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself here. There are a great bunch of people that hang out here.