How many S.E.A.L.s does it take to screw in a light bulb


Q:How many S.E.A.L.s does it take to screw in a light bulb

A: 4. One to screw it in the other to shoot alll the witnesses
hahah good one.. I can probably modify that with Marines.

Q:How many Marines does it take to screw in a light bulb

A: 4. One Lcpl to screw it in and 3 NCO's making sure it gets done right...
cbbr08 said:
hahah good one.. I can probably modify that with Marines.

Q:How many Marines does it take to screw in a light bulb

A: 4. One Lcpl to screw it in and 3 NCO's making sure it gets done right...

Damn skippy, now turn to!!
How many Aircraft mechanics does it take to change a light bulb?

One to do the job, one to watch for training purposes, one safety observer, one to sign off the red X, one to watch to insure it is done in accordance with whatever T.O. the instructions in, one to sign off the Aircraft forms certifying that the aircraft is now FMC (Fully Mission Capable)
LOL dragon, its amazing how true that is :). i had to go behind 4 people and say my aircarft was safe for flight :/...the military is all so "perfect"
Senior Chief said:
How many sailors does it take to change a light bulb?
You could have added the following:

One sailor and 4 Marines.

The Sailor as OIC and the 4 Marines to "box the square".

I can see it now -

The Sailor at attention (with light bulb in hand) and the 4 Marines scrambling around in a box like 4 little puppies.

I would guess that just the sailors will like this one! heeheehee
Aw, heck:

Q: How many fighter pilots does it take to change a light bulb?
A: One, and the world revolves around him.

EDIT: and for more related fun, click here. ;)
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dragonfett said:
How many Aircraft mechanics does it take to change a light bulb?

One to do the job, one to watch for training purposes, one safety observer, one to sign off the red X, one to watch to insure it is done in accordance with whatever T.O. the instructions in, one to sign off the Aircraft forms certifying that the aircraft is now FMC (Fully Mission Capable)

good but for future reference make it shorter