How could the U.S. and its allies counter Russia and China?


Irreplaceable Intelligencer
In the wake of Chinese spy balloons snooping around North America and the Russian invasion of Ukraine getting worse day by day, it is more important than ever before the U.S. and its allies focus on a very fundamental issue at hand.

How do the U.S. and its allies strategically and effectively counter and defang these threats? Intelligence dominance over the enemy is the only way to adequately manage the threats that stem from China and Russia. Most importantly, implementing an appropriate “tradecraft,” the specialized techniques used in intelligence operations, to deter and dissuade Russia and China is essential.

Please read my entire article here:
In the wake of Chinese spy balloons snooping around North America and the Russian invasion of Ukraine getting worse day by day, it is more important than ever before the U.S. and its allies focus on a very fundamental issue at hand.

Please read my entire article here:

While I can't argue with what you have written I think it is of far too limited scope to get the whole picture.
There is no doubt that intelligence needs to adapt to these threats and perhaps NATO needs to think bigger and encompass the western world, putting all allied nations on a single playing field would pass on a rather unambiguous message to these countries.

But to answer how the west can counter Russia and China, simple.
Strengthen and promote democratic institutions and support its allies, if you look at the Ukrainian war, Russia's strongest and loudest opponents are not the main NATO countries but all of the countries that have had to put up with Russia; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, the Czech and Slovak republics the fact is that no one but Lukashenko seems to want to drink the Russian Koolaid.

The strength of the west is the fact that none of the nation's that oppose it are in anyway likeable to anyone but other dictatorships, when your only friends are North Korea, Iran, China and Syria you know you are not in the human rights A list.
Absolutely! To strengthen and promote democratic institutions, we must first reinforce and upgrade the only army in the world, which is NATO. The US and its allies must openly solicit the rest of the world to join NATO. We could effectively and strategically isolate Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, etc. We need a borderless ONE world policy. It may sound utopian and far-fetched, but it is the only way forward given the status quo of world affairs.

"The market's hidden hand will never work without the hidden fist. Mcdonald's cannot flourish without McDonnell Douglas. The hidden fist that keeps the world safe for Silicon Valley's technologies to flourish is called the US army, air force, navy, and Marine Corps."
THOMAS FRIEDMAN, a right-wing US journalist
Absolutely! To strengthen and promote democratic institutions, we must first reinforce and upgrade the only army in the world, which is NATO. The US and its allies must openly solicit the rest of the world to join NATO. We could effectively and strategically isolate Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, etc. We need a borderless ONE world policy. It may sound utopian and far-fetched, but it is the only way forward given the status quo of world affairs.

I wouldn't be too keen on anything called a "one world policy", it sounds more Orwellian than utopian but certainly a formalised alliance between nations with compatible values would serve a similar purpose.
In the wake of Chinese spy balloons snooping around North America and the Russian invasion of Ukraine getting worse day by day, it is more important than ever before the U.S. and its allies focus on a very fundamental issue at hand.

Please read my entire article here:

The Chinese spy balloons are only modern U-2s spy aircraft and not important .There was no hysteria in the SU in 1960 when they shot a U2,thus the present artificial hysteria in the US has no reason .
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is not getting worse day by day .
Absolutely! To strengthen and promote democratic institutions, we must first reinforce and upgrade the only army in the world, which is NATO. The US and its allies must openly solicit the rest of the world to join NATO. We could effectively and strategically isolate Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, etc. We need a borderless ONE world policy. It may sound utopian and far-fetched, but it is the only way forward given the status quo of world affairs.

What you propose would cause WW3 and the end of the world .
There is no need to promote and strengthen democratic institutions .
There is also no need to isolate Russia, China, etc ,as democratic and non democratic countries can easily live together .Besides :it is also impossible to isolate them .
There is no ONE world but a world of hundreds of sovereign states ,all with different political systems .
There is also no status quo of world affairs .
I wouldn't be too keen on anything called a "one world policy", it sounds more Orwellian than utopian but certainly a formalised alliance between nations with compatible values would serve a similar purpose.

Nations with compatible values can be and are a lot of times as hostile to each other than countries with different values .
I wouldn't be too keen on anything called a "one world policy"; it sounds more Orwellian than utopian, but certainly, a formalized alliance between nations with compatible values would serve a similar purpose.

I respectfully disagree. Please read here, in which I argue why we need ONE world.

Why a borderless world:

Much of the Global South, which include the poor countries of the world that are largely located in Asia, South America, and Africa. This part of the world is home to roughly five billion people, who are living under extreme poverty, and as such, relationships around the world are not balanced (Shah, 2009). Income inequality and poverty involves powerlessness and invisibility, including a lack of money, basic nutrition, health care, education, freedom, and personal autonomy. In fact, 80% of global resources are consumed by only one billion who live in Global North that includes the wealthy industrialized countries of Western Europe, Canada, the United States, Australia, and Japan (World Bank Group, 2010). While most of the industrialized countries are located in the North, there are exceptions; for example, both Australia and New Zealand are wealthy countries located in the South. As a rule, states in the Global North are democratic and technologically advanced, have a high standard of living, and experience very low population growth (Ravelli & Webber, 2015). Is it fair or justifiable that developing countries must try to survive on only 20% of the world’s resources? Terrorism that is rooted in inequality of a grieved man can best be combated politically, diplomatically, economically, socially, culturally, religiously, and educationally rather than militarily alone, by uniting the whole global community as one system.
People in the South will not accept the political and economic system of the North .
See the success of the Islam .
East is east and west is west and never shall the twain meet .