Houling Holloween


Active member
Happy Holloween everyone.

I know its most of your time of year where they let you out for the night. But what are you dressing up as?

George Bush is already taken.
I would enjoy halloween a lot more if it were a federal holiday. The holidays where you get time off from work are the best!!!! :rambo:
Im just sittin' around tellin' people to get the candy out of the witches butt whos drowning upside-down in a cannibal toilet. It's been fun. Theres this very large Mexican family whose come around 3 times so far. their in a 15 passenger van and their repeatedly driving from house to house, pillaging as they go on their merry way. *sh*t, im almost out of candy*
"mama! the nice boy with the toilet just cussed!".
:cry: :cry:

I was playing a cup soccer game half way across the country and broke my foot.

That was my night out the window!

:cry: :cry: :( :(