High Scores from last month's old arcade


Active member
Just curious if we are still going to get the milbucks from the Sept highscores? The new arcade looks good, are all of the old games going to go back in there?
Some of the old games will be installed again, along with several new ones.. :)

I must admit that I forgot to print out last months highscore, but I belive I have a backup of it on my hardrive, so I hope to send out some milbucks later this week..

It is also possible to give milbuck prizes to trophy holders/winners in the new activity centre.

So do you like the new addition to the milforum?? :D
I'll try to install most of them, but you can of course post requests here.. :)
All yetisports games will be installed, including the new yetisports 6 (surfing) game. :)
I have compiled the list over the old highscores, just need to sort them now, so I'll publish it tomorrow and hand out a few MilBucks as well.. :)
Sweet, I finally got a couple of high scores and now I am going to reap the rewards of playing those two games for hours....
OK, here they are (I hope..)

AimFire: DarkMb101 1130
Asteroids: LT_Strony 29030
Breakout: Zyonchaos 38050
Chopper: DarkMb101 6558
Curveball: Rotty261 28755
Eggs: Sgtbreeden 427
Frogger: FutureRanger 475
GTA: Spyfly 49
Hexxagon: Spyfly 47
Space Invaders: RavenSword227 12100
Kickups: avckc 235
Bird Hunter: FutureRanger 1090
PacMan: DarkMB101 62790
Shooting2: Zyonchaos 3285
Shooting 1: sgtbreeden 1890
Simon: Tenlastnight 40
Snake: Tenlastnight 333
Tetris: DarkMB101 46991
Yetisports1: sgtbreeden 1473
Yetisports2: Redleg 575
Yetisports3: eric_kraut 1666
Yetisports5: Redleg 2795
Yetisports4: Redleg 4168

500 Milbucks:
400 MilBucks: DarkMB101
300 MilBucks: Redleg, Sgtbreeden
200 MilBucks: Zyonchaos, FutureRanger, Tenlastnight
100 MilBucks: LT_Strony, Rotty261, Spyfly, RavenSword227, avckc, eric_krauter

I may have missed some of the highscores, I had to go through 650+ lines of highscores, so please post here if you can't find your highscore on the list!
I am pretty sure that I creamed your score on Yetsports 4..... :lol:

I believe I had somewhere in the neighborhood of 4300 and something.
