

Active member
I'm new to this site, i've been looking at it for a few days and decided to join :) You seem like well mannered people so i don't think it should take long for me to blend in here.

I'm from the United Kingdom and i'm 17.
Haha, I'm a gentleman to the core, except on Monday which was never good anyway, Tuesday I get a little sideways, Wednesdays I...
You get the picture.
Shouldn't it be Leftenant? I mean being in the UK and all. :D

I'm a noob myself, but welcome. Are you affiliated with any military orginization(s) yall have across the pond?

BTW, what part of the UK are you from? I visited southern England and London for a few days a couple years back. Massive heat wave when I was there. Nice town though. Got to see where my ancestors on my dad's side came from. :D
I may be completely wrong, but I think it is still spelled Lieutenant, just pronounced differently. Please correct me if I am incorrect.
I am well-mannered when I..err, No, wait, I aint..

But don't blame me, I am a low class girl somehow, even though I seem to get through the barricades of high-class.

I tell you, my high-class british-acting b/f DO NOT like when I drink my beer and burp loudly and satisfied. Haha

But hey, when watching sport, Who can't sit down and be themselves and as I do; show what a tom-boy can go for.. :P