Getting a waiver


Active member
Hey I was just wondering if any of you needed a waiver to join? If so how long did it take for you to get it or be denied? All help is appreciated.
LeatherNeckRVA said:
Hey I was just wondering if any of you needed a waiver to join? If so how long did it take for you to get it or be denied? All help is appreciated.

Depends on what the type of wavier and what it is for.
A waiver to join? I'm sure there's several waivers in the mounds of paperwork required to join. After all, the Military is one of the very few jobs where they're allowed to place you in harms way.
Trevor said:
A waiver to join? I'm sure there's several waivers in the mounds of paperwork required to join. After all, the Military is one of the very few jobs where they're allowed to place you in harms way.

Waivers are given by the military in the US, for medical problems, legal history, etc.
LeatherNeckRVA said:
Hey I was just wondering if any of you needed a waiver to join? If so how long did it take for you to get it or be denied? All help is appreciated.

I know I got a medical waiver for my asthma, all I did was get a test done to make sure it was under control and than I was good. Took me about 30 minutes for the test and I was back into training... or wherever I was, I don't remember.
Yea...I know that if it's a medical problem (surgery, etc.) a waiver is needed, or if you have 4 or more tattoos one is needed, or if you have some law violations it will be needed.

When I went to MEPS for my physical, I found out that due to their standards I was "Colorblind." I went to a different army optomitrist, got the test done to show I could be labeled "Color Difficient" and thats it. The only thing that I didn't enjoy was having to spend another day up at MEPS...hurry up and :cen: wait...

It shouldn't take long, just be prepared to sit some more