Genesis of the Field Artillery


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To all those who may be offended by this: You have thin skin - this is a joke!

Genesis of the Field Artillery

In the beginning, there was chaos, and the chaos was the Infantry, the Queen of Battle. However, the Queen was alone. And fear was with the Infantry, so she cried out unto the Lord saying, "Lord, save us for we are afraid!"

And the Lord heard her grunts and set some of the Infantry on beasts of burden, and these He called Cavalry, and the Cavalry became Armor. And when the Lord saw what He had done, He laughed saying, "Well, you can't win them all!"

As time passed, the Infantry and the Armor again cried out unto the Lord saying, "Lord, save us, for we are afraid." The Lord heard their cries and decided to end their weeping.

The Lord said unto them, "I shall send unto you a race of men noble in heart and spirit." And the Lord created the Field Artillery, and named them the King of Battle. And the Lord said unto the Infantry and the Armor, "When it is dark, the King shall light your way. And when you need smoke, there shall be smoke, and when you need it to rain down death and destruction upon the enemy, you shall have it."

And the Lord gave the King big guns and big bullets. And the Infantry and the Armorr were jealous, for they had none. And the Lord gave the Field Artillery rockets and missiles and nukes. And when the Infantry and the Armor saw this, they fell to their knees in awesome wonder, saying surely the Lord is on the side of the Field Artillery, the King of Battle.

And the Lord said, "CHECK!"

And now abide Infantry, Armorand Artillery, but the greatest of these is the FIELD ARTILLERY! 8)
Of course and so am I (joshing that is) :!: :D :wink:

Passionate for what I do? Most certainly, or I would not have stuck with it for all these years - 22, in fact, later this very month. :camo:

An Army of One is just a recruiting slogan - we all need each other to get the job done (except the bureaucrats who always find a way to say NO!)
Bureaucracy kept Patton for crushing the Germans months before the Russians and possibly averting the Cold War. Bureaucrats should not be apart of wars they wont fight in. :twisted:
Bureaucracy kept Patton for crushing the Germans months before the Russians and possibly averting the Cold War. Bureaucrats should not be apart of wars they wont fight in.

Thats how the story goes, as far as Ike and Monty were concerned, but remember that Patton did spread his guys out farther then the supply line could support him.
Only because bureaucracy wouldn't give him the supplies he needed to get to Berlin. They are the ones that cut his supplies and killed a bunch of his men when they got stuck with nowhere to retreat to.
They are the ones that cut his supplies and killed a bunch of his men when they got stuck with nowhere to retreat to.

But think back to that time, was it really practical to give his army all the supplies and send him blindly into the Ruhr? After all, their were still Germans all over Europe that needed to be mobbed up, and as long as the Germans were contained, which they were. And who could have predicted the cold war then? yes I know Patton is said to have been skeptical of the Russians, but I think that was more him not liking communism then anything else. I agree with you, politics can get in the way, bu I think it's essential to understand why decisions are made. After all, it's not like Ike, Monty and the crew wanted the allies to lose.
Patton wouldn't have went blindly into the Ruhr because he had the best intelligence officers in the war under his command. If he had taken out Berlin the German army wouldn't have anyone to command troops because unlike our American officers the Germans weren't ever with their men at the front lines. Without the officers the Germans would be forced to surrender no matter where they were because back then people were civilized enough to not mess with guerilla warfare. Ike knew or should have known Patton would have taken Berlin if given the supplies because Patton always did what he said he was going to do. He never let Ike down and Ike was the only one who had enough faith in him to bring him back into the war after Sicily. Ike should have known better and given him the supplies if he really wanted the war over with fast.
Without the officers the Germans would be forced to surrender no matter where they were because back then people were civilized enough to not mess with guerilla warfa

By that time Himmler was already setting up the first German geurilla units, who would fight for nearly a year after the war was over. Most of these men were Hitler Youth and the like, so there zeal was unmatched. They were also properly trained. Yes, I conceed Patton could have probobly taken the Rurh, but if he rushed into Berlin without the Russian front at what cost would it be to him?